Cutting Out The Distractions
A distraction is anything that prevents someone from giving their full attention to someone else. There are so many different distractions from watching T.V to playing video games. I have personally struggled with distractions on and off. My freshman year of college I struggled a lot with distractions because I would always watch Netflix or play video games. I would get assigned a big project to do and I would panic and not know where to start and then I would think I have so much time to get this done I will just finish it later. I would then start to watch Netflix or play video games because it was more fun than working on my project. I had more fun watching Netflix which only made my distractions worse. I would also watch Netflix before I went to bed which would keep me up at night and have me wake up at late and waste so much time. I was stuck in a vicious cycle and I kept going like this for days in a row. I finally got sick of wasting so much time and being distracted that I decided to change it. The first couple days were very hard. I kept wanting to just revert back to watching Netflix and playing video games, but I kept fighting that urge and eventually I developed a new habit. I deleted Netflix on my laptop and I had my parents take my video games back home so that I wouldn’t have the urge to play either of them. Distractions easily turn into a habit which isn’t the kind of habit that you want to have.
In order to break a distraction habit you have to first want to change. Next you have to make it very difficult for yourself to revert back to that habit. If it is a game on your phone delete the game. The last thing you should do is get an accountability partner to keep you on track. I used my parents as my accountability partner, but you can obviously use anybody you want as a partner.
Breaking a distraction is just like trying to develop a new habit, it is very difficult to start but with every day you avoid the distraction you are building the foundation to get rid of your distraction.
In order to break a distraction habit you have to first want to change. Next you have to make it very difficult for yourself to revert back to that habit. If it is a game on your phone delete the game. The last thing you should do is get an accountability partner to keep you on track. I used my parents as my accountability partner, but you can obviously use anybody you want as a partner.
Breaking a distraction is just like trying to develop a new habit, it is very difficult to start but with every day you avoid the distraction you are building the foundation to get rid of your distraction.
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