Night Routine

There is a saying that goes your day starts the night before. I always thought that this was just some stupid saying and never put too much thought into it. After reading many self help books I kept hearing that common theme echo throughout every book. Once I started using the techniques from the different books I was reading I finally understood what they were referring to. My night routine now sets me up to start the next day on productive start. My night routine is to get my clothes ready for the next day, wash my face, floss and brush my teeth, plan out tomorrow, set my alarm, and read a book. I start out my night routine with getting my clothes ready for tomorrow because this was always the hardest things for me to do so, I like to get the toughest one done first. The next thing that I do is wash my face. This one is pretty cut and dry I like to get all of the grease off of my face and prevent acne. The next thing that I do is brush and floss my teeth. To prevent cavities I make sure to floss and brush my teeth before bed. The next thing that I do is the most important, planning out tomorrow. This one is the most important because this tells me what I plan to get done the next day and what time I should set my alarm in order to get everything done. The next thing that I do is to set my alarm. Now that I know everything that I want to get done tomorrow I can set my alarm at the correct time in order to ensure that I get everything done. The last thing that I do for my night routine is to read a book. I don’t want to get to detailed about the benefits of reading because I do have another blog posts that talks about the benefits of reading.

I try to get as many things ready for the morning as I can because waking up early in the morning is the most difficult part for me. If i have soccer practice in the morning I will lay out all of my clothes and pack my bag the night before. I will put a full water bottle on my desk to drink the morning to re-hydrate myself. By preparing the night before it helps me from becoming overwhelmed in the morning and hitting the snooze button. Give the night routine a shot and make your own and really personalize it.

Check out my other blog about going to bed early and waking up early.


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