
Showing posts from April, 2019

Cutting Out The Distractions

A distraction is anything that prevents someone from giving their full attention to someone else. There are so many different distractions from watching T.V to playing video games. I have personally struggled with distractions on and off. My freshman year of college I struggled a lot with distractions because I would always watch Netflix or play video games. I would get assigned a big project to do and I would panic and not know where to start and then I would think I have so much time to get this done I will just finish it later. I would then start to watch Netflix or play video games because it was more fun than working on my project. I had more fun watching Netflix which only made my distractions worse. I would also watch Netflix before I went to bed which would keep me up at night and have me wake up at late and waste so much time. I was stuck in a vicious cycle and I kept going like this for days in a row. I finally got sick of wasting so much time and being distracted that I deci...


I never really knew what an affirmation was until I read the Miracle Morning. An affirmation is something that you say to put in a positive mindset to encourage yourself. Most affirmations are short sentences to provide support to a person. The thought process behind affirmations is not only to say, but the main part if to believe it and internalize it. If you just simply say an affirmation just to say it then it will never work. An affirmation is supposed to change the way your mind thinks and you almost trick yourself into thinking in a more positive way. The second place that I noticed affirmations was with my Panda Planner. A Panda Planner is variation of a planner that helps you break up your big tasks into small manageable pieces to complete. In the daily section their is an affirmation box where you can write your affirmation for the day and keep saying it to keep you going through the day. There are so many different affirmations that you can have. My affirmations change daily ...


I had never been much of writer. I always dreaded getting assigned a paper by a professor and having to follow their guidelines. One day I was scrolling through Pinterest and saw a post that talked about the benefits of writing down your thoughts and what happens in a day. I was kinda intrigued by the part of writing down what happens throughout your day. I did not want to write about my feelings because I thought it was unmanly to write down your thoughts and Express them. So I started to write down what happened in a day in a little moleskin notebook that I found in my room. I would write down almost on a daily occurrence what happened. One day I had an incident happen at home that made me so mad. I couldn't hold back my anger so I remembered what that Pinterest post said and said what do I have to lose. I began to write down why i was so angry and I wrote 2 pages about it. After I was down writing I felt a sensation of liberation from my anger. I immediately didn't feel angr...


Exercise has been a big part of my life. I played soccer throughout my life and I still do in college so, I have needed to keep in great shape. There are many different ways that you can exercise. You can lift weights, run, swim, jump rope, do yoga, etc. Other outlets like watching T.V or playing a game just make me sluggish, not want to go back to doing my work, and they also make me really tired and sluggish. I don’t want to get into too much detail about the negative outlets because I have a whole blog post dedicated to that called, “Avoiding Distractions.” I usually just use weight lifting, running, adn swimming but you can use any sort of exercise you want. After I exercise I feel really good about myself and confident and this thought process helps me to keep my day productive. I have always used exercise as an outlet from class work because it gives me an energy boost after I am done. The energy boost comes from the increased blood flow which allows more blood and oxygen to get...

Power of Visualization

Writing down your goals is another way that you can improve your life. The process you use when writing down your goals is called visualization. When most people hear visualization they immediately start to laugh and then don’t listen to what you have to say. I know this because I used to do the same thing. Once I got past the name I really saw how this process can really help a person out. Visualization is when someone pictures themself achieving their goals. I remember sitting through countless speeches from different people claiming the benefits of writing down your goals. I never paid too much attention to these people and immediately tuned out. The summer before I started my first semester at college my dad gave me one of those self-help books. He told he read it and applied the strategies that were listed in the book and he was seeing the benefits from it. I told him okay I’ll give it a try. The title of the book was the Miracle Morning. The book talked about how beneficial and n...


Reading has so many benefits it can provide a person. The first benefit reading can provide is a good night's rest. It is so easy to watch a video or play a game on your phone before you go to bed; however, the black light on your phone will make it harder to fall asleep. You can read a kindle or a real book before you go to bed. I prefer to read a real book, but there are times where I read a my kindle before I go to sleep. The next benefit reading provides is vocabulary expansion. You can see this benefit as soon as you start to read. When you read a book you are exposed to new words which increases your vocabulary. Another benefit reading can provide is improving concentration. This benefit helped me so much when I started college because studying for high school and studying for college are two completely different things. In high school I could get away with cramming for an exam the night before, but if I tried to do that in college I would fail. In college you have study days...

Morning Routine

A morning routine is the best way to start your day. A morning routine can consists of anything that you want. For example my morning routine consists of drinking a full glass of water, getting a shower, brushing my teeth, look at my task list, and eat breakfast. I start out my day with drinking a full glass of water because after not drinking any water for 8 hours makes a person dehydrated and when you are dehydrated it can feel like you are really tired. This part is the most important for me because after I drink some water I feel less tired and I am ready to get on with my day. The next thing that I do is get a shower. By taking a shower right away I just wake myself up a little more! I also feel a lot better when I am all clean. The next thing that I do is brush my floss and brush my teeth. I like to get rid of the morning breath next because I also feel better when my mouth is clean too. The next thing that I do is look at my task list. I like to have an idea of what I need to ta...

Night Routine

There is a saying that goes your day starts the night before. I always thought that this was just some stupid saying and never put too much thought into it. After reading many self help books I kept hearing that common theme echo throughout every book. Once I started using the techniques from the different books I was reading I finally understood what they were referring to. My night routine now sets me up to start the next day on productive start. My night routine is to get my clothes ready for the next day, wash my face, floss and brush my teeth, plan out tomorrow, set my alarm, and read a book. I start out my night routine with getting my clothes ready for tomorrow because this was always the hardest things for me to do so, I like to get the toughest one done first. The next thing that I do is wash my face. This one is pretty cut and dry I like to get all of the grease off of my face and prevent acne. The next thing that I do is brush and floss my teeth. To prevent cavities I make s...


Planning is essential if you want to take your life back and make the most of it. You should have a list of tasks that you want to be complete that day and you should also have a rough estimate of what time you would like to complete your certain tasks at. By planning out your day the night before you will know what you have to accomplish before you wake up in the morning. You will also know what time to set your alarm in order to get in everything you need to. Also planning will also help you never forget assignments and exams. There are all sorts of planners that you can use to organize your life. As a college student I have used a normal planner, panda planner, and a bullet journal. A panda lanner is a planner that is split up into 3 sections. There is a monthly, weekly, and daily section. The monthly planner is a blank monthly layout where you write down your big projects and exams on. The weekly section has 5 sections where you can break down your projects for the week into action...

Going To Bed Early And Waking Up Early